The Last Step: Deciding if Teleconvergence is Right for You [A Typical Tough Love Discussion]
This final article is designed to help you decide —- assuming you've already looked us over —- whether you should take the next step and contact us.
Part 1: A summary of who we are and our approach to business, not just consulting.
- We're independent management consultants, not vendors or agents. We combine our business and telecom and marketing and technical expertise and put it at our clients’ disposal. 100% of our revenues come from clients paying for our services and 0% from commissions from suppliers or vendors.
- We're honest and we're direct. We charge for our time because that's how we provide value. Our clients appreciate our vendor independence, our dedication to their needs, and the complete absence of any conflict of interest.
- We don't like surprises and we definitely don't like surprising our clients. We want them to retain us for the right reasons at the right time to achieve the right results in the right context. We're also big on Plan Bs because nothing works 100% of the time.
- To us, it doesn't matter if what we come up with is not what you thought you needed or wanted, or even if it's something you'd rather not hear. We may decide you actually need nothing new at all, but that you should reorganize internally instead to take advantage of something you already own or know how to do. And that's what we'll tell you.
- Teleconvergence has no stake in getting permanently hired, not getting fired, in making a sale, or in a sale being made or not made. Our job is simply to identify your needs, separate them from your wants, determine how to satisfy any or all of them, and present you with your alternatives along with our recommendations. What you do with the information is up to you.
- If a client has a good idea what she (or he) wants and expects us to agree with her, it’s up to her to let us know that up front. However, you should be aware that it will generally also make our relationship a non-starter because we'll just walk away from the situation. We're management consultants first, and in our opinion, it's a really bad business practice to pay someone just to agree with you.
Part 2: A summary of the resources available to you to facilitate your decision. You needn't read anything you don't want to, but it should be reassuring that it's there, anyway.
- The Telecom Consulting Services tab contains what we might be able to do for you and what you'd get out of it.
- The Methodologies tab details our perspective, how we go about our business, and what makes us different. It includes The Teleconvergence Approach, our basic philosophy about being client-centered and providing value, The Teleconvergence Approach to System Selection, and so on.
Finally, the About Us tab includes The Teleconvergence FAQ , a good overview, although naturally there's more detail elsewhere. The tab also contains the Teleconvergence Management page, which tells you about Steve Bergman, our founder, who would doubtless do at least some of the work if you decided to retain us. We've already told you we're not a large firm.
If You're Still Reading This...
And if you've gone through at least some of the material above, if you feel we share your business values and can at least potentially be of help to you, and if you agree with our perspective and our methods, then that's more than enough about us.
For the next step, we really should have a conversation about you and your situation.
You can just call us (which we prefer) or you can send a lengthy e-mail. Either way, if you've already invested this much time on our site, then it's about time you got a return on your investment by contacting us to discuss your needs.
Don't you agree?
(503) 750-2144