The 10 Greatest Mistakes Executives Make When Changing systems

The concept of what you really need vs. what you might think you need or want is treated in All you Really Need To Know About Telecom.
The topic Not Solutions -- Results is treated extensively in the article "The Teleconvergence Approach", offered here in its entirety.

Today's communications are mere solutions only if someone is not asking the right questions. That's something Teleconvergence has been doing for more than thirty years. Doesn't it seem reasonable that working together we can find the right answers for you as well?

As we say repeatedly, but cannot say often enough, every vendor has a specific product evolution and migration strategy that is theirs and theirs alone. Even if their products are a perfect fit for your needs today, those products will change and become obsolete according to the vendor's needs, not its customers. And since any product's evolution will inevitably diverge from your company's own evolution, the probability that any vendor's strategic direction and destination will be the same as yours is exactly Zero.

Unless you fully understand your current and future requirements and can spell them out clearly for all potential vendors in vendor and technology-agnostic terms, you will fall prey to recommendations for solutions that work -- but that also may not work for your company. You can read about it in the article about Telephone System Dos and Don'ts, but we suggest you finish this list and, when you've finished this entire section on what we do regarding telecom system change, then you turn to the section on how we do it in The Teleconvergence Approach to System Selection.

They limit themselves to their existing, often old, often decades-old definition of their business and their competitive position in their supply chain, as if their competitors were tacitly accepting the status quo as well. The concept of making yourself invaluable to the companies you value extends well beyond basic telecom. Later, when you finish this section, either before or after you go on to our Strategic options (our methodologies), you might want to look over a most relevant small series of articles in the section called Telecom Risk Management . It not only discusses how to protect your company in the face of adversity, but also how to extend that newfound capability to others, perhaps even making some money – as well as new friends – in the process.

For example, if a significant portion of their future customer base will speak a language other than English as its primary language, what is being done to support that in the new system? Similarly, is the company prepared to support the influx of employees that must communicate in those languages as part of their daily tasks? How will the company cope as the number of non-English-speaking customers grow faster than the non-English speaking number of employees? Technology can help immensely, but only if the right solutions are included in the new system's requirements. For more on this, please look at the Teleconvergence Approach to System Selection, especially the articles that detail how our process incorporates these variables, virtually ensuring that future needs will be successfully anticipated.

The reasons for and implications of all this are discussed in the section on Procedural Strip Mining, (PSM) the low-end Teleconvergence business analysis version of Business process Review. To the degree that productivity is improved, any new system will reflect that improvement. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true. PSM is an inexpensive way to put the odds in your favor.

It's a fact that systems never know who's using them. But Teleconvergence believes that properly created systems and processes create cohesiveness within and among business units by effectively formalizing the importance of the rich non-dotted line relationships among individuals that make great companies successful. If you think this perspective might be useful to you in selecting your next system, why not use your current one to call us and arrange for a free consultation?
Note: The 10 Greatest mistakes is the last article in the series Changing Systems?, as you can see from the sitemap to your left. After you've browsed through the rest of our Telecom Consulting Services to see what we do, please look at Methodologies to understand our methodologies, how we do it. Finally, the About Us section tells you who you'd be consulting with, our background, and other useful information.
And as always, thanks for visiting.